Monday, August 1, 2011

News from Salt and Light Ministry

I pray that all of you are doing well.  I went home for a couple weeks to see my children and grandchildren.  While I was there, I attended the first birthday party of my only grandson.  God has blessed me greatly with my children and grandchildren and I am very thankful.
As most of you know, we have a team every week from the middle of May until the end of July and this year has been very busy.  I like to do a little summary of what each team accomplishes while they are here but I missed two teams while I was in the US.
Rubenia ran away from her home in Puerto Cortes last Monday and that had us all concerned but she showed up at the clinic about 4:00 that afternoon.  She had been fighting with her sisters and gotten into trouble and needed extra attention I guess.  Allison, the young lady that has the home she lives in was waiting here for her when she got here.  Rubenia then came to stay with me for a few days the end of the week and I took her to see her family in the mountains.  We enjoyed being together and didn't do much as I was very tired from the last week of work.  I told Rubenia to just call if she felt the need to come and visit and I would pick her up.
Northminister Baptist Church from Jackson was here while I was in the US.  They built three houses, had medical clinics and VBS in El Tigre.  They also collected crocs for the children in El Tigre.
Since I have returned, Galloway UMC and Bellwether teams have been here with us.  Both teams are from Jackson and really blessed the people of Honduras.  Galloway took their team to a new village in the mountains called Las Quebradas.  It is a very small village with poor people and a great view of the mountains and valleys around the area.  The team built a house for one family and had VBS at the village.  Their team consisted mostly of young adults and we really enjoyed working with each one of them.
Bellwether had a total of 46 members in their team.  They built three houses in Los Laureles and had a medical team in four different villages.  VBS was also held in the different villages.  Bellwether's pastor also conducted a seminar for pastors and their wives at the hotel.  The team distributed clothes at the orphanage one day and the doctors checked the children.  They discovered one young boy with an abdominal blockage that needed immediate attention.  In one of the villages, there was a young lady that needed surgery to be able to survive.
It is always a blessing for the medical teams to go to the villages because so many people don't have the resources to go to a doctor when they need medical attention.  They don't have a vehicle or money to pay the doctor or money to buy medicine.
God bless all of you and thank you for the prayers.

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