Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011

Good Morning Everyone,
It is very early in the morning but I couldn't sleep and decided I needed to write in my blog while thoughts were going around in my head.  I have to go to the hospital in a few hours to sit with a family of a friend while my friend has serious surgery.  I woke up thinking how God puts people in our lives for a special reason and sometimes we don't know ever know why until later or ever.  He put her in my life to teach me things that I needed to learn.  She has listened and encouraged me many times when I needed support. 
I love living in Honduras and working for Salt and Light but I have days that I get lonesome and wonder why I am there and not at home in the US.  I really miss my family, friends and church family but I know I am where God wants me.  I think about all the missionaries that served before they didn't have internet and cell phones and had no communication with their friends and families.  That was hard...they knew they were doing God's work but having no way to talk to friends had to be difficult.  It is so wonderful to be able to call someone that speaks English and is a friend and have them give you words of support and encouragement when things are not going well or when the Devil is trying to get to you. 
I am very blessed with Godly family and friends, here and in Honduras and I thank God for their support and love. 
Yesterday, I was blessed again by a phone call from a young lady that I taught over 30 years ago.  We could have talked for hours and did.  She told me about her family and her work in a large church as director of missions and I am so grateful that I have her back in my life.  She told me about some of the other students I taught and where they are now.  It was just such a blessing to talk to her and share experiences with her.  God has put the love of missions in her heart.  He has also put her back in my life for a reason.  It was so good to hear the love of the Lord in her words while we talked.
Please pray for my friend as she has surgery this morning and pray for me as I get ready to go back to Honduras.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I wanted to put a picture of Rubenia on my blog so all of you could see the results of our journey for a new leg for her.  She returned to Honduras on February 11 with Dr. Brannon who arranged for the leg.  Rubenia or Ruby as most people call her now is doing really well with her new leg.  She is continuing therapy to make the muscle in her leg stronger but she can walk, run, jump and swim almost as well as she did before.  Ruby didn't really understand why we thought she should get a prosthesis but now that she has it, she is very happy with it.  She is back in bilingual school in Puerto Cortes and doing well.  I am sure the fact that she has learned English so well while she was in the states is helping her in school.