Henry's wife Hemi and her sister Loyda started a women's Bible study several months ago and Henry asked me to meet with them so I could give them ideas. I can tell you, they don't need my ideas. Henry asked me to go and take pictures of the crafts they are making to sell that will enable the women to produce an income and support their families. I was truly impressed by what they had done. Some are crocheting purses with raffia, others are using discarded chip bags to make items to sell. There are ladies that are using pieces of plastic drink bottles to make jewelry. One lady is making coffee to sell so I am judging her coffee this morning to see if the teams would like to buy it.
Some of them do beautiful crochet work and as soon as I can get some knitting needles, I am going to teach them to make knitted items to sell. I would also like some ideas on jewelry making. They are working with items they have on hand but I would like for them to have access to other materials that are available here. It is an established group and Hemi and Loyda will be monitoring the group each week. Any help and ideas will be appreciated.
It is with much humility that I watch them share ideas and help each other. Can you imaging picking up dirty chip bags, cleaning them and then spending hours folding the pieces to weave into a purse? It is also a good solution to help the litter problem.
Today we are going to pick up the team from Vicksburg so I might not have much time to write. They are building a house for Walter and his family. His mother is so happy to have room to for Walter's wheelchair in the house so she won't have to carry him.
On Tuesday and Friday, we will have English lessons with the staff. Angie, the new dentist, will help me.
Pray for us and the women that are trying so hard to make a difference for their families.
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